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The year 2019.


The 7 acres learning centre and eco-system farm layout were carefully designed and thought out. The plot of land, which refers to the different areas of studies within the learning centre, has been sectioned into different zones: woodlot area, paddy field, fish ponds, animal sheds, plant nursery, and orchard.

This land is built in a way that it does not need anything from outside external materials, and everything within this land is sustainable by itself.

The completed design of the farm.
Sattlelite view of the plot before transformation.

Birds eye view of the farm.


The learning centre will be a place where locals can come and learn about farming or make their own fertiliser with products that they can gather from their own farm or crops, for free. Usually, farmers in Thailand only plant rice and have rice paddy fields, and might only have one turnover a year. However, by learning how to make the products and produce they already have into a more sustainable style of farming and participating in social activities provided at the learning centre, they can generate more income and improve their overall quality of life.

Dividing the land into zones in the learning centre ensures that we have enough water to feed through all of the plantations we are planting.

On-site, we have fermented our own fermentation, such as keeping leftover banana leaves to ferment for the week after etc. There is no relying on garden centres to purchase goods. Thus, creating a more sustainable style of farming with organic crops. All of our crops will be free of chemicals and pesticides.


The ecosystem farming layout generates 98% of its electricity from our solar system panels, which means that overall we only use a little electricity, making it extremely sustainable.

The only electricity we do use is only during the windy rainy seasons in winter, as the solar system cannot generate enough electricity so we need the normal electricity line to help out.


Woodlot area:

The woodlot area is situated at the back of the land and is designed in a way that over time when all the planted trees have grown, they will surround the land and become a wall.

All trees will need around 15 to 20 years before they are able to be cut down and sell.

Paddy field:

The paddy field is sectioned near the water, as it is crucial that the root of the rice is soaked in water when growing rice.

The rice paddy is divided into 4 blocks of buildings, and next to it the land is one big open space. This paddy field is only for rice, however, on the other side, around the rice paddy, we are thinking about planting Thai plants, such as acacia pennata, also known as climbing wattle.

Fish ponds:

There are 2 fish ponds, with 5 types of fish.

Animal sheds:

We have geese, ducks, fitch, and cows.

The cows' dung helps with fermentation for the fertiliser that is used for the crops. The geese and ducks eat the algae in the pond and the food we provide (banana leaves & rice shells that have been ground). Our fish are also fed the same food as the ducks and geese.

Plant nursery:

This area within the land will be planted with various types of plants.


The middle of the woodlot area will be an orchard that will grow fruit trees that we can eat from and sell, such as bananas and mangoes.

Thank you for reading! Stay tuned for our next blog post on Heavy Duty!


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