In March 2018, for preparation, we needed to give the land some natural shed and nutrition to the soil.
We planted 500 trees which were Teak, Siamese Rosewood, Gurjan tree, Ironwood, and Acacia around the edge of the land.
Why we chose these specific trees to plant is because we as a family business want to contribute and do our best to help conserve these species.
Over 8000 tree species, representing 10% of the planet’s trees, are threatened with extinction due to the degradation or destruction of woodland and forest habitat or unsustainable timber production.
Healthy ecosystems depend on plant and animal species as their foundations. When a species becomes endangered, it is a sign that the ecosystem is slowly collapsing. Each species that is lost triggers the loss of other species within its ecosystem, and humans depend on healthy ecosystems to purify and refine our environment.
a crucial element of the planet's ecosystems, which helps to regulate water, stabilise soils and store carbon
provide homes and food for many other plants, insects, birds, and mammals
are essential for developing and creating certain medicine that can only be derived from trees

Here is some information about each tree we planted:
Teak - Teak is a tropical hardwood tree. It is considered to be one of the faster-growing tropical hardwoods and takes anywhere between 20 to 25 years to grow into a mature tropical tree. Teak is native to south and southeast Asia, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Burma. The wood tends to be golden or medium brown and its colour darkens over time.
Siamese Rosewood - Siamese rosewood which is also known as dalbergia cochinchinensis or tracwood, famed for its blood red hue, is the world’s most trafficked wildlife product. It is a threatened species due to overexploitation for its valuable hardwood found in Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam. The wood is heavy, very hard, and durable. It is thought that the siamese rosewood species could be extinct within the next 10 years.
Gurjan tree - Gurjan tree is a species of tree in the family dipterocarpaceae native to north-eastern India and mainland Southeast Asia, and cultivated in surrounding regions. The bark of gurjan trees is grey or dark brown in colour. It is often used in the plywood industry. Gurjan trees are critically endangered due to a population reduction of over 80% in the past three generations, caused by a decline in its natural range, and exploitation.
Ironwood - The ironwood tree is an understory tree with beautiful birch-like leaves, greyish-brown flaky bark, fine-textured drooping branches. Ironwood is durable and holds up well to pressure and strain. It only grows in the Southwest's Sonoran desert, and is one of the biggest and oldest plants, growing to heights of 45 feet and persisting in the desert heat for as long as 1,200 years.
Acacia - Acacia trees grow well in warm climates such as Southeast Asia, Australia, and South Africa. They have clusters of yellow or white flowers and are typically prickly. Most acacia tree types grow very quickly and only live for up to 20 to 30 years. There are many types of acacia trees and they are valued for their long roots which help stabilize the soil in areas threatened by erosion. The sturdy roots reach deep for underground water, therefore, acacia trees can tolerate extreme drought conditions. Acacia has many varied uses from hardwood furnishings to water-soluble gums that are used as thickening agents in foods. They also nourish soil by fixing nitrogen and restoring fertility.
Here are a few photographs of our land in Thailand and where we planted our seeds:

Seeds were placed here.

Starting to grow woodlot plants.

Woodlot trees are growing nicely.